
We all need a dress…(#37 Dinner on the patio)

Elliot is a very easy going, happy kid. But there are a few things he doesn’t like. For MONTHS, as soon as he’d get out of the tub, he’d ask this…

Ha! Ha! Ha!

This was when he was fresh out of the tub (He was previously covered from head to toe in mud from the sandbox) and we were off to have dinner on the patio.
It was good to see this video to see how much his ‘sensitive skin’ has improved. We tried lotions, creams, prescriptions, and thanks to a tip from Aunty Em and Grandma Phillips, we used Coconut Butter, and he looks 157% better. It was very painful for him to get his lotion on before, and now he’s not phased by it.


the M.O.M.A. (Museum of Modern Art)

After seeing, reading, and hearing about this exhibit, I knew this had to be part of our summer plans.

I thought my boys would appreciate this exhibit, because they love words and books, and I was right.

Their favorite part?

(Picture from local newspaper)

The ENORMOUS book structure.
They also liked the video of books being washed in a front load washer.

and I loved seeing the beautiful scriptures that were marked in Bright Color Markers.

Then off for a Frostie to cool off!
Tucker was thrilled, look at that face:

Truman told me it was so exciting to eat ice cream in the car

And Elliot had no idea what a frosty was, but since his brothers were making such a big deal of it all, he figured it had to be good. 🙂


Watermelon + Truman = LOVE (#8 Eat Watermelon)

All summer long, every time we entered a grocery store, Truman’s eyes were constantly looking for watermelons.

It is common knowledge around our house, that he has been known to eat an entire melon by himself.

This day, it was just half a melon.

And he asked for more.

But the rest of the family wanted some too. 🙂

Truman is in love. Sweet, juicy, love.


Grams and Gramps went to Disneyland,

And Lorelei wore her Disney Shirt to celebrate:

Because, summer would not be summer without someone we love going to Disney!


Celebrating Flag Day! ( and #33 Passing Off Scout Stuff)

I can’t remember exactly which requirement it was, but by attending the Flag Day Ceremony at Macey’s Grocery Store, we got to pass off one of Tucker’s Scout Requirements (Which Tucker worked on DILIGENTLY all Summer long!),

there is a GINORMOUS flag that was raised, little flags for the spectators to ‘raise’,

a marching band, and the kids favorite thing: FREE pancake BREAKFAST! 🙂

Love the community I live in, and love my sweet Tucker for helping us want to be at such places!


as a mother, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing better in the world,

than this,

Cuddling with sleeping babies.

Love to just push a pause button, right at this moment, to enjoy the sweet, soft, breaths, and cuddly, little squishy baby.


Swimming Lessons.

An Essential part of summer right? Yes Indeedy. I wish we lived someplace that was so warm, we had a swimming pool in our backyard, and went swimming every day.

THere is something ‘magical’ about your kids hair smelling like chlorine (which only usually happens in the summer months around here)…that smell is pure bliss to me! If you’re hair smells like that, it means it’s been a good few days full of splashing, giggling, and fun at a pool.

We had a blast at swimming lessons this year, we decided to go to a local pool, about 4 minutes up the street from our home. Unfortunately, I didn’t take many pictures of the kids in swimming lessons. I meant to do it on the last day of each session (we did two), but I forgot my camera!

I did get a little video:

and short one of Truman:

(I meant to get more video of Truman, including him jumping off the diving board, he has no fear like Tuck, but every time, I was taking care of Elliot or Lorelei when it was his groups turn! DRAT! Oh well, there’s always Next year.)

And a few pictures of us spectators:

It has been fun to watch them swim this year, they totally are improving!
Truman is an EXCELLENT swimmer. He got bumped up to the same swimming level as Tucker, and is like a little fish. He enjoys it so well, and is excellent at listening to his teacher, and taking their instruction.
And Tucker still has no fear, especially of swimming. He really enjoys being in the water, splashing and bobbing on the side of the pool during lessons.
Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the recreation of swimming. It is a happy thing indeed.


Soccer Camp

A week long camp, where the kids got to ‘polish’ their skills.

Tucker and Truman were both enrolled,

and it was fun to hear them talking to each other in soccer terminology,

as we drove back and forth, each day that week..

It appears that soccer is one of the sports that we will continue to see for a few more years.

The boys are always interested in playing, and improving their skills in this sport. (they never seem to get sick of it) Fun to see their skills increase from year to year.
Tuckers favorite part: Practicing Kicking the goals, and playing in the goal! 🙂

Truman’s favorite parts: The games they played, Like snakes in the grass.

I enjoyed an excuse to sit outside for a couple of hours every day, watching my kids do something they enjoy. Elliot enjoyed running around and rolling down the grass hill

And Lorelei enjoyed eating her teething toys, and taking her morning nap outside 🙂

Summer, Summer, Summer!


Summer of Ooze, Goop, and All Gross Science Experiments. (#32 Science Experiments)

I am not a boy, so I don’t get it, and I’m sure I never will. I have a file folder with recipes for ‘science experiment stuff’ I found a bunch of fun ones. The boys would have none of it….unless it was ‘gross stuff’, that serves the purpose of nothing else, but being gross. (sorry for the lack of pics, apparently I don’t like to take pics of gross things, I guess?)

Me: ‘Look at this picture, we could makd play dough, and then make a pretend restaurant, think of all the fun food we could make!’

Boys: No.

Me: ‘Oh, here’s a fun one! Colorful bath paints! You could paint each other in the tub!’

Boys: No.

After trying things that were way fun to me, I just let the boys decide. Thinking if they were not going to find anything fun in those books/file, turns out there was tons of fun stuff. I just wasn’t looking in the right section.

This day it was ooze, that they then pretended to be DRAGONS’ BLOOD.

Another day we made Gloop, and another day ‘boogers’. (yes it was gross, and contained lots of salt. DISGUSTING.)



They had fun and giggled, and we made happy memories, even if they are gross memories to me…they are still good memories.


2 Knights and a Ninja were seen,

Roaming our neighborhoods this summer.

Tucker, Andy and Tru.
Just plain awesome.