Well, it is still happening, these kids keep getting bigger!
This is the year– where the boys went from being content with the cute little kiddie rides to wanting to be on ALL the big scary rides. It was an exciting year for them.
We did a few rides together,
Strawberries and Cream? Yes, please, that’s MANDATORY 🙂 Toph’s favorite time of the year!
Then because we had a time crunch that evening (I had to be to Young Women’s) we had to divide and conquer, me with the Camera, Elliot and a happy, overwhelmed Lorelei. AND Toph was off with Tuck and Tru, and the scary rides 🙂
So, Elliot and the Kiddie Rides:
And I did catch this video: Toph, Tuck, Tru on the ‘big kid’ rides.
Until Next Year….