
the M.O.M.A. (Museum of Modern Art)

After seeing, reading, and hearing about this exhibit, I knew this had to be part of our summer plans.

I thought my boys would appreciate this exhibit, because they love words and books, and I was right.

Their favorite part?

(Picture from local newspaper)

The ENORMOUS book structure.
They also liked the video of books being washed in a front load washer.

and I loved seeing the beautiful scriptures that were marked in Bright Color Markers.

Then off for a Frostie to cool off!
Tucker was thrilled, look at that face:

Truman told me it was so exciting to eat ice cream in the car

And Elliot had no idea what a frosty was, but since his brothers were making such a big deal of it all, he figured it had to be good. 🙂