One of Truman’s classmates’ grandparents live on a beautiful farm. The kids got to visit it, and learn more about how farms work. The Schow family was incredibly generous in giving their time to allow our school to come and visit.
I got to go on the field trip, with just Truman. It was a special treat to spend some one on one time with this cutie, and see him interacting with his classmates and friends.
He finally got to go on a school bus! Dreams do come true!
With his best kindergarten pal,
We learned about fish,
Farm equipment
How to bale hay
Saw this amazing little tree house, on their beautiful property,
Got to feed baby sheep
Pet baby goats
I really do think baby piglets are darling, and we learned what meat they give us, It was strange for me to see that it startled some of the little kids when they called this cutie piglet it’s name: bacon. 🙂
Met this sweet, gentle horse.
This momma cow, was protecting her calf. She even charged the fence a few times. The kids were anxious to leave this station!
We went next to the ice-cream booth, yes please!
And on a wagon ride,
And we ended the day with a discussion about Chickens, and a sucker. Truman informed me the chickens were boring, and he knew everything they talked about. (and he truthfully did!)
It is a relaxing morning to be with just Truman. He is obedient, kind and a good listener. How blessed am I to be his mother.