One thing I have learned as a mother and homemaker, is that if I can keep central areas of my home clean throughout the day (like the kitchen) it is easier to keep up on the other little spaces. (I know it seems basic, but for some reason it really helps–and is a huge eye opener for me to really realize this!)
I am also learning with my home, that life is not slowing down, {and isn’t going to be in the near future.} And if I want something done in my house, I shouldn’t wait for a ‘slow day’ or a ‘calm weekend’, because they don’t exist! I am learning that if I want something done, I need to work on them a little at a time, bit by bit. Even if it feels like it is going to take me forever, I am at least progressing.
Currently, I am working on repainting the baseboards, that are nasty and banged up! So occasionally whilst the youngest two nap in the afternoon (their naps sometimes overlap for a few minutes), Truman and I have been trying to conquer a few of these little tasks…We haven’t gotten to far yet, just the playroom and the hallway, but it is progress. And it will get done … eventually.
And because I don’t like to do a post without a picture –here’s something I am horrible at keeping up at: Laundry.
This is what happens when it gets ignored for 2 days. (it’s amazing…6 people makes for alot of laundry!)
As my mom says, ‘Laundry, you need to stay on top of it, or else it just multiplies’ (or something like that!)
But it true.
And did you see a cute baby in the laundry? I hope so, because she’s the best part of that picture.
4 replies on “I’m learning…Clean Begets Clean”
Ugh… laundry!!! I am seriously considering only allowing each of my children to have 10 pairs of clothes to make my life easier. I do two loads every day (but Sunday) and they must be out of the washer/dryer by 3pm or else they don’t get folded and put away. And I absolutely HATE clothes lying all over the house and not knowing if they are clean or dirty after a few days…. and don’t even get me started on socks… little Lorelei is no question the cutest/best part of that picture! What a doll. Can’t wait to meet her this summer!!! Love you all.
I agree! Laundry is the worst. I think because it’s never ending! It doesn’t even matter if you’re caught up today – you won’t be tomorrow. I love these pictures where Lorelei has just “blended in” to the every day routine.
I think you’ve found a topic we mothers can all agree on Emily: Laundry! Yuck! It’s always there! Even when you think you are done….there is more! I’ve found for me if I can do it every Monday and Fridays and put it ALL away on those days it doesn’t drag on as much…then again it’s putting it away and folding that I’m really not a fan of! And you always seem to have twice as much with a new baby–all those spit ups and blow outs!! Hang in there!
Looks just like my house!! Good luck!