The big boys are still loving the wii…
Their current favorite games are Lego Star Wars, the complete Saga (which Tucker pronounces SAG-A 🙂 ) and Mario Kart. And I still have to limit their time in front of it…as they would sit there ALL DAY long and play, play, play if I let them!
And Elliot still loves to be in the same room as his big brothers, and usually can be found on the floor beneath their feet, playing with his toys. And most days, he usually trips them, and I usually hear the words, ‘ELLIOT! PLEASE get on the couch!’
And Elliot laughs and gets on the couch for a few minutes, then slowly ends back up on the floor. And the process continues, and continues and continues!
One reply on “Wii Action”
Elliot looks so big in that picture! We have to limit Wii time around here too, that is until all the games got scratched. We are learning about responsibility now around here.