Hello Friends and Loved Ones!
Instead of mailing Christmas Cards, we are sending our love and ‘year in review’ through our yearly video:
Merry Christmas from the Phillips, 2010 from Christopher Phillips on Vimeo.
And a Quick Update of our year, 2010:
Christopher, Emily, Tucker, Truman, Elliot and Lorelei
Does life get any better than this? Our three boys kept us super busy in 2010 and we were all excited to welcome their new little sister into the world.
Tuck is a 2nd grader now and is looking forward to turning 8 this year. He is often found buried in a book, living the adventures of the Box Car Children or Hardy Boys. He takes great care of his little brothers and sister.
Truman Ross finally adjusted to having a little brother when a new little sister came along this year. His 5 year old heart is chock full of love, kindness and occasionally other feelings which shall remain nameless. He loves being able to walk to kindergarten with his big brother and is an incredible friend at school.
Elliot can generally be found right in the middle of whatever it is that his two older brothers are doing. He loves to talk and while we don’t always understand what he has to say, that doesn’t seem to deter him from telling us. He takes great care of his little sister sharing his blankets, toys and lots of kisses.
Lorelei arrived into the world a couple of weeks early at 8lbs and 3 oz big and 18 3/4 inches long with a head full of dark, curly hair. She has readily assumed the role of princess #2 in our home and patiently endures the loves, and cuddles and kisses of her three brothers and mom and dad.
Again, Thank You For Taking Time out of your Busy Lives to Check in on our little family. We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
4 replies on “Merry Christmas!”
What a great year! I love to see the pictures and see how they’ve grown. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you also!!!
Merry Christmas right back at you!
Such a beatiful family! Merry Christmas!