Labor Day was a dream come true for the boys. Seriously.
Our good friends and neighbors went ‘mining for crystals’ last summer, and showed the boys their crystal finds. Since then the boys have talked of going to the ‘crystal mines’. And begged to go too.
Enter Labor Day.
We were up before the sun, literally pulling the children out of the bed, jammies and all. Blueberry muffins for breakfast as we drove.
We literally drove for about 3 hours to the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. (I think over half of it was on a dirt road. Good thing I wasn’t further along in our pregnancy, or else I just might have gone into labor!)
Once we were there there was a lot of dig, dig, digging!
A four wheeler ride. Lots and Lots of Dirt.
It was such a great day, and when we finally packed the kids up to go, they were DIRTY. The pictures don’t even do it justice.
We made the long trek home, as you can see Eli fell asleep, and the others watched a movie, and we even saw some wildlife
For dinner on the way home, we stopped at Artic Circle. This video makes me smile.
Silly Boys from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.
Here’s the loot, and happy, happy children.
And a pretty one broken open.
The boys already planning on going back…