
‘When we’re helping, we’re happy’

Strawberries went on sale, so of course, we made some freezer jam.

and of course, there was some team work involved.. I love the feeling of working together on a project.

Here are the big boys, a HUGE help… they topped the strawberries.

And Elliot was our taste tester…he tasted lots of strawberries…maybe not a huge help, but definitely cute.

A good feeling to have some jam in the freezer.

And it is sooo pretty.

3 replies on “‘When we’re helping, we’re happy’”

OH wow, my mouth is WATERING!!!
YUM!!!!! You are SO great to have those boys help, and lucky THEM to have you! They will be (and are) so blessed to get to do so many things, thanks to your efforts! How fun!

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