
‘When we’re helping, we’re happy’

Strawberries went on sale, so of course, we made some freezer jam.

and of course, there was some team work involved.. I love the feeling of working together on a project.

Here are the big boys, a HUGE help… they topped the strawberries.

And Elliot was our taste tester…he tasted lots of strawberries…maybe not a huge help, but definitely cute.

A good feeling to have some jam in the freezer.

And it is sooo pretty.


all of the little things…

The constant pitter pattering of his tiny feet, as he races up and down and up and down the hall,

the desire to train to become a ninja, and using all the toys in the house to help with this training,

and the reading. The constant reading to reach his goal of reading ALL 150 boxcar children books this summer.

These are the little things I will remember about the summer of 2010.


Lunch with Dad and the Children’s Museum.

Summer would not be summer with out these two fun things. Feels like we are FINALLY getting to the fun things.

Hopefully we’ll be doing them alot more before the summer ends.


Welcome Baby Isaac!

Another Isaac in the family, you can’t go wrong with such a good name!

Matt and Emily welcomed Isaac earlier this month.

And it’s been so long since I’ve posted, he’s now been released from the hospital, and is home! Hurray!

Another reason I need to get up to Logan-town, so I can meet the new members of the fam…Can’t wait to cuddle you sweet boy!


Strawberry Days…a synopsis.

Our love for strawberry days began when we moved to our great town. We love it even more now. Here are a few pics and highlights from the week:

Concert in the Park

A little bit of dancing,

A little bit of cuddling,

A little bit of relaxing,

A little bit of snacking,

Alot of smiling,

and best of all, FREE strawberries and cream.

My sweetheart lives for this, year round….(look at his expression!)


We went on a stormy, cold night, and were afraid it was going to rain on us!

Elliot had a little bit of crazy in him, and kept looking around, like something weird was going on.

Of course, the boys loved it!

More crazy Elliot!

And MORE strawberries and cream. Yum, yum.

Huck Finn Days

Bubble gum blowing contest

(for blowing a bubble, you won a sucker)

Bean Bag Toss

Fishing Pond

Doughnut Walk (this took forever!)

Here is the fishing pond (which basically is just a gully full of water, that they plant fish in) and it’s too full to use our fishing poles. Next year we’ll bring just nets!

And so many more little games and things. And lots and lots of fun!

Cleaning the Rodeo Grounds
This I was not a part of. The youth in our ward (for a fundraiser) would clean up the grounds after the rodeo. From what I understand it was pretty nasty! Toph went a few nights, and took Tuck one night. It was lot of hard work, and on the last night, Toph came home with a couple flats of Topped strawberries. The next few days we ate lots of strawberries and made lots and lots of jam! (We’d already made a few flats worth earlier in the week!)

SUCH A GREAT WEEK! Can’t wait for next year!


An almost impossible task…

For Father’s Day, I was in charge of ‘wrapping’ the presents for the men in our ward.

Let me tell you….keeping these ‘tandy’ (as Elliot calls them), away from 3 young boys whose sweet tooth was aching, was no easy task. Especially our little Eli.

Thankfully the big boys soon found the ‘joy of service’, and got excited about wrapping their artwork on these presents, and it’s in those little moments of seeing your children choosing to help instead of complain, that life truly is sweet.



In the Living Room.

A couple of weekends ago, we had big plans. We were going to go camping…unfortunately, I am still not feeling super wonderful, and we decided it was best to postpone our adventure for later in the summer, for a more enjoyable experience (it’s nice when a mom can do more things fun than throwing up and lying around! 🙂 ).

So one day, we went camping in our living room. This is what I love about summer…no place we HAVE to be, and we can just Chilax.

Elliot loved to tumble in and out of the tent, and his brothers thought it was hil.ari.ous.

We read in the tent.

Looked for wild (stuffed) animals hidden by Truman, and after finding them, they pretended Elliot was a wild animal. And can’t blame them on that one! Sometimes he might be a tad bit ‘wild’.
And the favorite activity by far was the making of s’mores.

Here are there scary faces, to scare away the bears. Truman’s is awesome.

Elliot’s first (that I can remember?) And he LOVED it.

Tucker had a hard time putting down his book (Boxcar children) long enough to roast….the result? A marshmallow on fire.

Don’t be fooled by his face though, he was actually thrilled.

And Truman informed me he doesn’t like his marshmallows cooked. Ha!

Not the same experience as ‘real camping’, but a nice substitute.


Summer Months…

Are not supposed to be full of sick kids!!!

Today it was Truman’s turn.
Ear Infections, and a Sinus Infection.
Darn it. Poor Boy.

The good news? Today, the boys met my good friend Annie for the first time.

They haven’t seen all of her adventure…yet. We just started the movie, and watched the first part during Eli’s nap. And they loved this song.

Truth be told? I used to love to dance to this song, and used to wish I could live in an orphanage, so I could sing like that and jump on my bed like that.

Glad that wish never came true! 🙂

The good news? Truman’s already feeling better…so we can hopefully return to our summer adventures.


Toph’s Favorites…

My Daddy is 34 years old.
My Daddy’s name is Christopher.
He weighs 100 pounds and is 5 feet tall.
My Daddy has brown hair as me and blue eyes.
My Daddy’s favorite food is mac n cheese.
My Daddy’s favorite thing to wear is stretchy pants.
My Daddy’s favorite color is blue, I think.
My Daddy’s job is the churches offices buildings.
Daddy gets mad when we do something really bad.
Daddy is happy when we be good.
My favorite thing to do with Daddy is play computer.
The best thing about my Daddy is he ALWAYS wants to play with me when I play with him.

My Daddy is uh, 31.
My Daddy’s name is Christopher.
He weighs 20 pounds and is 80 feet tall.
My Daddy has black hair and blue eyes.
My Daddy’s favorite food is all of them.
My Daddy’s favorite clothes –he likes all his clothes.
My Daddy’s favorite color is all of them.
My Daddy’s job is working, lots of meetings.
Daddy gets mad when we do bad things.
Daddy is happy when we do good things.
My favorite thing to do with Daddy is play computer games.
The best thing about my Daddy is always so nice to me and everyone.

Elliot says..

Dad, dad, da, daaaaa, dad-dad-dad.

The best fact of all is we love him.
Happy Fathers day Toph! We love you!


Today I am grateful for this…




No better man to stand side by side with, and be together with for eternity, and one WONDERFUL father.
Happy Fathers Day…