Our spring break weekend included:
Celebrating Rhonda’s Birthday
Easter Egg Hunt at the River (since we were sick on Easter, they were nice enough to wait it out for us!)
Which included the tradition of the hot dog roast
Playing in the sandbox
Catching bugs
Throwing of the eggs
Helping the Evelyn’s haul wood for their home (I actually didn’t haul anything, but my handsome hubba did)
And the actual egg hunt (where our camera battery died, darn.).
A great way to end our spring Break Week.
Month: May 2010
-We haven’t regularly slept through the night in years, we figured why try to start now?
-We’ve become proficient, and speedy at changing diapers, we figured, why stop changing them now?
-There are few occasions where EVERY single room in our house are clean at the same time, we figured, why try to have a clean house now?
-Clipping and snapping babies/kids into car seats and boosters is a skill we’ve MASTERED, we figured why let that skill get rusty?
-We got so many big brothers, who love being ‘big helpers’ we figured, we better give them some other way of helping!
-We don’t have our hands full already, that now as parents, there will always be two kids to hold each of our hands.
-Emily loves having morning sickness for months and months on end… oh wait, just kidding about that one…..
-There is nothing like having more and more love in our home, and nothing like those sweet, sweet baby toes, smells, and snuggles.
So, yep, we’re thrilled to announce Phillips Family Baby #4, Arrival date: Beginning of December.
(hence no posts for the past month…don’t worry, morning sickness is starting to be manageable, so hopefully their’ll be more post soon!)
If you have not seen this…
STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and watch it, you will not regret it:
Alway have been inspired by Stephanie. An amazing woman who celebrates ALL the little things. I want to be more like her, embracing life as it comes with Faith.