We picked up dad from work, and spent a couple of hours, exploring the gardens.
It was a beautiful spring afternoon, and although not to many plants were up yet, there was still plenty to see and do, including:
Now that Tucker is an expert reader, he loves to read plaques and signs,
Statues to see,
After a busy day running around Eli was quite content being in nature,
The children’s garden is always a favorite place,
the wire snake
the gigantic lizards
the fish pond
Tucker liked to sit and watch the fish..
Sometimes he even looked really close
There were maps to read
We found some bugs
and then went down to the big pond to feed the fish and ducks
the boys really enjoyed this
then some more friends came over to see us
and Toph successfully fed them out of his hand
therefore the big boys wanted to try
And by this point, Elliot was FREAKING OUT, wanting to be that close to the ‘bid, bid’ or bird
and loved feeding the birds
it was such a beautiful afternoon, and so much fun, and honestly, most of the time, the boys had grins like this:
Can’t wait to go back.