With this boy wonder.
How did they go by so fast? Seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, and now you’re a robot loving, thoughtful, intelligent, energetic big brother.
We are grateful to be your parents. We have learned so much the past 7 years, and can’t wait to continue this adventure with you.
How fun to have another person in your family who shares your name.. And Emily is one of those most amazing people you meet, and just love from the first time you meet her. She is a mother of patience, love and understand, one of the best that I know. She is amazing at always keeping a positive attitude, and always just happily does things. (Even that aren’t fun!)
Instead of mailing Christmas Cards, we are sending our love and ‘year in review’ through these videos, but due to the fact that I am so indecisive, we have two videos this year.
The first video, created by Toph, is a great overview of the year, and our boys, and perfect for those of you who just want a quick glimpse at our year (which I am sure is most of you!).
And for the rest of you, this second video is a little longer (containing most of the pictures from above plus many, many more!), This is probably best described as for the Grandparents and other caring relatives, 🙂 because I made it so LONG! But in my opinion it’s worth nine minutes of your day! (Of course every proud mama is going to think this!) Enjoy:
And for those of you who don’t check our BLOG regularly, a little update of our year:
We started off the new year with a bang. Tucker turned six, then we welcomed Elliot Christopher into the world…although Elliot can’t keep up with Tucker and Truman yet, he watches their every move and loves being a part of their adventures whenever they need someone to play the role of “baby”or “monster”. We also welcomed Goose and Clementine, our new pet chickens who have settled into the backyard and are finally paying their rent with a few eggs every week.
Tucker has taken the 1st grade by storm- and is enjoying his new found freedom of being able to open up a book and read all by himself, although he does let mom and dad read to him sometimes. When he wasn’t busy this year with wrestling, soccer and swimming Tucker kept himself busy drawing, writing stories and creating anything his mind could come up with.
Truman (aka “lil’ chicken rancher”) absolutely loves being a big brother and is always finding creative ways to “take care” of his brother. Truman also enjoys being a little brother and loves to follow Tucker and do whatever his big brother is doing. When Elliot is down for a nap and Tucker is at school, you will often find Truman working on a puzzle, taking care of the chickens or playing a game.
Elliot grew even faster than our chickens this year, which is saying a lot. The little guy loves to give kisses, eat food and just about anything else having to do with his mouth. Elliot loves to sit and watch his brothers and their antics as they do whatever they can to make him laugh. Elliot has already learned that all he has to do is smile to get any of us to do just about anything that he wants.
Thanks for taking time out of your lives to check in on us, we truthfully wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
Two years ago, our sweet niece Ava joined the family!
She is a doll, and a sweetheart, and just a little sweet cutie patootie.
Happy Birthday Ava!
*For some reason I could not get this to post yesterday? Better late than never 🙂
Remember my broken Camera? Well my sweet Sister in Law, Emily, just sent me these pictures of Thanksgiving and the annual phillips family searching for a Christmas Tree. Again, better late than never! (thanks Em!)
Thanksgiving Day:
The kids table:
It was just a week from Trumans surgery, and he had a little black eye still.
The kids enjoying Cranberry Slush–loving Trumans brain freeze (thanks JoAnna and Chad):
And of course, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the candy turkeys, here are some little ones enjoying the candy part!
And a funny memory from the day, I made my first Lemon Meringue Pie, only to later discover that the lemon juice I used, was really chicken broth. Chicken Broth Meringue Pie anyone?
And pictures from the Christmas Tree Search:
The tree we came home with this year, is one of the best we’ve ever had!
I have mentioned it so many times before, we love our neighbors and our neighborhood.
Recently, our neighbors invited us over for a party with a few other friends,
and we found out right before we were going, that a special guest would be making an appearance… SANTA!
This was the boys first visit with Old Father Christmas for the year and
Elliots first one at all.
It was especially fun, because Santa knew the boys names and even joked with them about some of the personal things he knew about them.
Elliot even got two suckers out of the deal..which he proceeded to eat at the same time…
And Toph even got his special Christmas sweater out to wear to the party, handsome! 🙂
In addition to seeing Santa this week, the boys made their annual Christmas List:
And of course Elliot doesn’t have a list,
but I have a feeling that if he could talk, he might say, “Santa, all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” 🙂
Discovering and exploring the world is so much fun when you’re almost one.
Elliot has hit that phase, and lately he can be found emptying any cupboard or drawer that has been left open.
In his opinion, books are so much easier to look at, when they have ALL been removed from the bookshelf first.
And stairs are the ultimate playground, up and down, up and down, soon he’ll be able to do it by himself, but for now, mom, dad or brothers are always close behind.
Learning to communicate is so wonderful. Signing ‘more’ and ‘food’, help him get what he wants at meal times.
DA for Dad and MA for Mom, are so fun to hear. There is also a sound of DOD that I swear is dog, and MOA for more.
Every day something new, and everyday something wonderful.