As a child this was one of my favorite places to find treasures… the Swap Meet. Kind of like a giant flea market, full of goodies, needless to say, many things hadn’t changed. Lots of treasures for little kids, not so many for adults this year.
Luckily this was not to far from the condo…so we crammed everyone in the car.
Eric, Tuck, Tru in the far back,
Amy, Nora and Elliot in the middle (we had Nora, as the rest of the Greene’s hit Disneyland)
Momma driving and me navigating.
Once there the treasure finding began…. we found some animals, including these birds,
and Tuck really wanted to bring home this frog. Really, really wanted to. But I need another thing to take care of, like I need a hole in my head, so luckily I was able to convince him, that the car ride home would be miserable for the poor thing. And he settled on a couple packs of legos. Thank heavens.
Amy found a cute hat,
and Eric got a new shirt (not the one he’s wearing, it’s in his hand 🙂 ). Nice.
We finished the hunt off with some refreshments.
Thanks to some grandma monies I think the kids came home with a couple packs of legos, a minature skateboard, pretend cell phones, (Truman was very selective of his treasures, making sure he chose out only the best stuff) and of course good memories.
Oh, and I almost forgot, Tucker got this old man vinyl clear poker hat, that he proceeded to wear the rest of the vacation. He informed me later that it was awesome, cause you could wear it AND see through it. True statement.
Oh, I love the swap meet…
2 replies on “Californina: Swap meet”
How fun! I used to have a clear blue poker hat just like Tucker’s, only it said “Disneyland” on it. 🙂
Love your hole in the head comment. I love reading your blog. You’re a great writer. 🙂
That visor is rocking. What a fun experience to share your childhood memories with your children.