
Did you know…

Elliot is so smart, he can count?

No seriously, did you know that ALL infants can count?

Neither did I. I’m being totally serious.

Our local university called us and asked if Elliot would participate in a study about counting. At first, I thought they maybe mixed up my children. My older two children are excellent counters, just ask ’em next time you see them.

But I was wrong, it was Elliot who they were interested in, so we made an appointment and headed up a few days later. Luckily for me, Cat was here to watch the older children, (thanks again Cat!) making the experience oh so much easier!

When we arrived they placed this awesome hat thing on him,
which measured his brain waves, and then we watched a video to see how well he counted. They measured how high his brain waves were when he saw similar groups of items. Like 5 items vs. 10 items vs. 3 items, to see if they can recognize similar groups of items. (or least that is what I understood they were doing)

Of course, we were excited to participate (and he even received a certificate),
because honestly what mother doesn’t love hearing crazy things like her infant can count?

2 replies on “Did you know…”

What a fun thing! I’ve often wondered what really goes on in those cute little infant heads!

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