For fathers day this year, for my dad, I think we gave him the best present he’s ever gotten from us. (Although that streak of Tabasco ties was a real hit back when I was like 10. 🙂 )
Here he is opening the present (at the pool party, the day before):
It was a paint brush with a gift certificate good for an evening of us painting his house. Which we did later that week.
I am not sure whose idea this was, but it was awesome. My dad has been dreading painting the house for awhile now, and even tried to pay Eric to do it, so I think it was a pleasant surprise.
We had a good time doing it too, the majority of us painted (and we laughed and brought back a lot of childhood memories), while Tiff held down the fort with all 6 children inside. She’s a good woman, Tiff is.
As for Toph, I am documenting this, because it is the one time of year, that he gets a deluxe-o breakfast. Here is sweetheart, if you ever doubt that I love you, come back and take a look at this:
And that will help you remember that I love you forever. Right? 🙂
The boys loved giving him his presents,
and we enjoyed a peaceful relaxing day, honoring the papa.
I’m not a father, and it wasn’t my day, but I think it was a pretty good one.
One reply on “Fathers Day Recap.”
Actually, it wasn’t really “a pretty good” Father’s Day- it was a great one- thanks hubba!