
This month marks the anniversary,

Of three years living in our house. (and the LONGEST we have lived anywhere since we’ve been married!)
I LOVE living in a place where everyone watches out for each other, and takes care of each other.

While walking Tucker to school one morning I noticed the following things,
-A neighbor fixing the sprinkling system of a single woman neighbor.
-Another neighbor taking his tiller to till up another neighbors garden.
-A young woman rushing to the aide of one of the neighborhood youngsters who had fallen.
-A neighbor taking out the trash of another neighbor who had forgotten.
-Yet another neighbor gathering the newspaper and mail for a neighbor who was out of town.

That afternoon, I had to call on my neighbor and friend to come rescue me from the car repair shop (thanks again Diane!).

All little things, but so many unselfish acts all in a day. And I am sure if I watched more closely, I would have seen MANY more. It is a blessing to be surrounded by such good people.

2 replies on “This month marks the anniversary,”

I can’t believe you guys have been gone from here for 3 years now!! Your neighborhood sounds wonderful. I hope we get so lucky someday. 🙂

So fun reading all your catch up posts! I LOVE the close up picture of Elliot – I can’t believe he is so big and I’ve never met him!!!

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