has turned into a birthday wishing, mothers day loving place. What happened?
Well, let’s be honest….life happened.
For me this blog is a place to record, and share.
Mostly to record the moments of this beautiful crazyness called life as a mother.
But lately, there has not been much recording happening. For that I am sad.
But do not fear. I have set a goal. A goal to be ‘scrapped (or blogged) up to date’
(sound familiar college roomies?)
So over the next week or so, I am going to be posting like crazy. Feel free to check back often, or not at all. You can set your google reader to ‘read all’, or come and enjoy what the happenings have been in our life since Easter…
Yeah, that’s what I said Easter. I haven’t had a recorded a non birthday post since then. So come and enjoy and get caught up with me. ‘Cause my memory card in my brain is full, and I need to unload some of these thoughts and pictures, so that a real hard-drive can record them, therefore I can remember them for forever.
So sit back, and enjoy my crazy get caught up on my life on my blog week.