
Still More TBL

Since today is my actual due date, I thought it appropriate to show my TBL (the baby list), what got done–and what didn’t–on the day (TODAY!) we planned for Elliots Arrival.

I have had a running list on my blog. I haven’t posted about it for awhile. Something were fun, others work, but all things I wanted to get done for the arrival of our little man.

Sorry, this is a boring post, mostly with out pictures!

In November the TBL included:
Saw the movie Twilight, with my good friend/former neighbor Jenny and her teenage daughters. Made me grateful that I have only sons. I think I appreciated the movie because I had read the books, otherwise, I might have had a different opinion on it.

Remember the leaf posts from last year? Yeah, well part of the reason I have not posted about it is, for the most part, Toph has been doing the raking this year. We’re not done yet (Thank goodness it has been warm this year, and we’ve been able to rake late into the season), but the bag total is Emily: 9 Christopher: 47.

Thanksgiving Decorations down/Indoor Christmas Decorations up.
Love it. They decorated it themselves, and for the most part the decorations look pretty uniform. HURRAY for Christmas Decorations. What a wonderful time of the year! ps–have you ever seen a hercules decorating a tree before? Well, it’s your lucky day. If you want to see one brushing his teeth, eating lunch or just plain old playing cars, stop by our house sometime. Chances are you’ll see Truman as Hercules doing these and many more things.

1/2 of baby brothers Quilt Cut Out. Not sure what material I am going to use for the other half…I love material shopping!

Homemade Family Christmas Presents started…
Madalyn’s almost done! Can’t wait to give it to her!
Miles, I am still trying to find that perfect gift.
Belle and Ikey close to completion.
Em and Jo: Started, but far from finished.

Material shopping, and chosen out for my Baby Bag (Thanks again Mom!)

Neighbor gifts Delivered. (a relief to have done!)

Ward Christmas Party done. (Somehow in this Ward, the Relief Society Enrichment Counselor is in charge of the Adult Ward Christmas Party. Luckily for me, we decided to combine with the Ward Activities Committee and do a Family Dinner this year.) This was the first weekend of the month. A big check to check off on my list!

Tucker and Trumans Gifts purchased. Tucker and Trumans Gifts wrapped. (Always a fun part of Christmas, shopping for children’s presents!)

Family Presents finished being made/purchased/wrapped/mailed.

A mommy date with just me and the boys. (See upcoming Post)

CHRISTMAS! (see upcoming Christmas post)

Christmas Decorations down, and put away.

Tucker Birthday Invitations delivered.

Tucker Birthday Cake Made.

**The things with the stars, are all things that happened AFTER Elliots Arrival!!! I was planning on finishing Christmas and Tuckers Birthday, then taking the time in the remainder of the month to prepare for Elliot! Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned! Elliot was ready to come!**

Tuckers Friend Birthday Party (Again, see upcoming post)

* Baby/Hospital bag packed. (When my water broke, I sent Christopher running around the house, packing things up! Not the way I had envisioned it, but we got the most important things there like the Camera 🙂 )

* a name picked out for the baby to come…we had some ideas, but again, this didn’t happen until right before Elliots Arrival!

*Baby Clothes down and washed and sorted.

*Finish baby shopping (baby wash, baby lotion, diapers, ointment, etc.) –Thanks to my mom and amy who took care of this while I was in the hospital! d
(Yeah, there was a REALLY good sale on diapers the week Elliot was born. My neighbors/friends helped me rack up all these diapers. Sad thing is, this picture plus 5 more packs we’ve used in the past week, is $100 in diapers. That’s alot of money for things you throw away! But well worth every penny in my opinion!)

*Car Seat Down and Washed (We ended up having to buy a new one, as our old was was just that, too old. Christopher had to go purchase this while we were at the hospital)carseat1

*Crib Finished Painting and put Up. (Somehow the paint went skiwampus on us, and Christopher had to paint it like 3 times more, and it took like 40 times longer than it should’ve. My patient husband who is so willing to put up with me and my crazy ideas. Thanks again sweetheart.) I think it looks great!
*Changing Station up and organized.

*Most closets in the home cleaned out and organized.

Still to be completed:
Carpets Cleaned (to be done this week!) Hurray!

Elliots Baby Blanket finished cut out, sewn together, and quilted. (not expected to be happening for a bit!)

Things that were on the list, but that won’t be happening or until I figure out this thing of being a momma of three boys!
Floor boards, doors and walls all wiped down.
Freezer meals made and in the freezer (Although the night before we had Elliot, we went to the store and we bought the ingredients for alot of freezer meals!)
Paint touch ups.
Pictures/things up on the walls in Elliots Room.

There is more little things, but this is the basic gist of things. Fun for me to look at and remember my lofty goals of things I wanted to get done, feel good about the things that did get done, and laugh about the things that will someday get done!

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