So I have been noticing lately, that I dress myself and the boys the same, with out even realizing it.
Last week one day, I put us all in Red Tops and Jeans, (which my friend noticed, and asked if we were having family picures taken) then on Sunday I did this…
The boys in sweatervests, and cords, and myself in a sweater and cord skirt. I probably should have hopped in the picture, but it is funny that I don’t mean to, but yet, coordinate our outfits…
3 replies on “Matchey, Matchey, and Matchey…”
Same-Same. Isn’t it funny how we dress our kids like us? Sometimes I actually change my clothes because I realize that, once again, Izzy and I are dressed the same and I don’t always want to look like we are trying to get our pictures taken. Very silly I know.
Your kids just look so cute- you gotta match them :).
I love the same-same comment!! Always nice to remember Marla!!! I make Ken match Abe sometimes, he thinks its silly, but I think its adorable!