Yeah, so the past two weeks, I have spent HOURS upon HOURS looking for lost items.
I consider myself a pretty organized person.
Now I don’t have the perfectly clean house, but we don’t live in a tornado either, I consider it a nice ‘lived-in’ home.
The missing items: My keys, Tuckers’ birth certificate, and lastly Trumans white ‘ace from space’ action figure.
All things that could be replaced, but SHOULD be where I remember leaving them, but no.
The search for the keys was the most drastic. It wouldn’t be so bad, except I had the church keys on them, and those are so expensive to replace, and take a long time, and I usually put them in the same place…so the search began..(I figured it would not take me long to find them, there was only so many places they could be right? WRONG)
–DEEP cleaned/scrubbed/vaccumed out the car
–Went through all of my clothes (DI-ing a huge batch), looking in pockets of all pants/sweaters
–Went through all of my coats, and Toph’s coats, again looking through the pockets
–Going through all of the baskets that are underneath where I hang keys, behind the cabinet, all around it.
–Searched/Vacuumed out all of our couches, underneath the couches and underneath all beds
–Went through all of our Toy bins, and Games Closet, and Movies (thinking maybe the kids put them there…) (again DI-ing a huge batch, and even bigger batch for the sandbox this summer)
–Calling ALL of the stores I frequent, and asking them if they had my keys, calling the stores I don’t frequent that often, but have been to lately, and any place else I go: post office, preschool, library, etc. (this took like 3 hours, by the way, my new pet peeve, people who put hard rock on their phone systems, that you are forced to listen to while you wait for people to pick up the phone.)
Finally after literally 2 weeks of looking, I prayed telling the Lord, I had done it all, I didn’t know what else to do…
Of course, when I finished my prayer, I have the thought, look behind the cabinet underneath the keys again. Sure enough. There they were, stuck on the telephone cords, where I hadn’t seen them the first few times I’d looked.
Sometimes I need a reminder, Rely on the Lord.
Good Reminder. Point Taken.
Plus now I have many clean sections of my home, they won’t stay clean for long, but I’ll enjoy it while they do.
(Notice, you can actually sit on th toy bench)
(Now there is room for all toys to have a “home”)
(Now the kids can actually see all the games, hopefully this will help, so we are not playing the lego game everytime!)
Mostly I’m grateful to have my keys back, safe. And I am writing to this to help cement that reminder–Rely on the Lord, and ask for help, he will help you.
5 replies on “Lost?”
“I know where everything is…I just have to find it.” I believe I once said those words. I know how frustrating it is to lose things and then how happy it is when you pray and get them back. Thank goodness Heavenly Father understood how much I loved my scriptures and TI-85 calculator, or I would be in a sorry state by now. 🙂
Wow, look how clean everything is. I have to have at least 3 copies of every key I own, because I always loose my keys. And I have learned like you to just pray first, it really is the best way to find things. I really feel for the frustration you have been through. That is the worst thing to have to look for things. With me it is almost always something of Diana’s–her glasses or library books usually.
I’m sorry you had such stress. confession….. I have been an unlicensed driver since November. I lost my drivers license and kept thinking… I’ll find it… finally about a month ago… I started the process to get a new one but it takes like 3 months. It’s even worse since to go anywhere in DC I have to show photo ID. I’ve been carrying my passport from when I was 12 years old.
I wish when I’d lost my keys I’d gotten a clean house out of it too! Unfortunately I just got a wasted day! I’m glad you found them though, it is always nice to have a reminder of how much the Lord watches over “the lilies of the field”
Yeah for getting your house organized! Whatever it takes, right? This rivals Ti2f’s organization under her bed…very impressive! 🙂