Emily Life Tucker

The beginnings of a perfect party.

Tucker has decided on a theme for his birthday party, and of course, it revolves around the passion of his life. ROBOTS.
We spent sometime this week, getting a few of the minor party planning details done, including the Pinata and the Invitations. Let me tell you, if I had know what I was getting myself into, I might have thought twice about it.It was something that I wanted to record, so I can remember my little boy, a sweet memory of his patience and determination.
We had fun making the invites,
Tucker helped me make the words look like Robots, I think they turned out pretty cute. He has a good eye, and we had a good time photoshopping together.
The first dilemma came when we began our search for a Robot Pinata. Not the perfect Robot Pinata. Just A robot pinata. In the back of my mind, I knew we could make one, but if you have ever made a Pinata, (especially in the winter months) you will know why I was anxious to find one. It can be a huge Mess.
I called 10 stores, they all said No, they didn’t have one.
With no success there, we then began our search, driving from store to store to see if we could find a pinata that looked similar to a robot, similar enough so that we could “Tweak” its appearance.
After 6 stores, we came across this at the Mexican Market:
The only similarity (in my mind) that makes it look in any way robotic, is the color, a gold metallic wrapping paper on the outside, but Tucker really liked it. I was just happy the Pinata hunt was done.
Of course, Tucker does want to take off the Sponge Bob Plate and put on a Robot Sticker, and he is thrilled about it!
Right now, it is hanging in our office, which everytime I enter, get scared because I am not used to having such a large object in our home.
And when I say large, I mean HUGE, it is seriously, as big as Tucker–the kids are going to have a hard time NOT hitting it, because it is so gigantic 🙂
But the bigger the Pinata, the more candy right? The kids aren’t going to be complaining!