My Mom’s Cousin, Patty, works for a Rec Center, so for her Christmas Party, she invited friends and relatives to a skating party. She had rented a skating rink for an hour, and since I didn’t anticipate my children enjoying skating too much, we showed up a few minutes late.
My Mom and Dad met us there, after we got our skates on, I took Tucker out, just me and him. And my mom took out Tru–Toph was parking the car, and I guess dad isn’t a big iceskater 🙂
Patty saw us trying to balance the children and promptly brought us over a couple stacks of 5 gallon buckets, that were just the right height for our boys. I didn’t know what she was doing, but then I quickly learned.
The kids could lean against the buckets, and propel themselves.
This is the best thing I have ever seen! Our boys had so much fun! They skated independently, occasionally I had to put them back on their buckets, but mostly they just chased each other, and believe it or not, Truman was faster than Tucker.
When the time was up, they both started to cry, because they wanted to keep going.
Here is some video Toph got of the boys, it was near the end of the skating session, they both fell off their buckets, but you can kind of see why they had so much fun:
We’ll definetly be going ice skating again!