So this past week, we have spent time with both sets of Grandparents. (More details to come in Future Posts)
There is nothing like a Grandparent.
This week, I watched as my children climbed into each of their grandparents laps.
As they did this, each grandparent brought out the best in each child. Yet, they all nurtured different qualities, and saw different things in each child.
How we all need people in our lives to love us, and to love us the way our grandparents do. For who we are, and yet who all see us differently, and love us for our uniqueness.
The love that they each have for my children was apparent in their eyes, in their actions, and in their words.
How I wish every person in this world knew just how much they were loved, and could feel it deep in their souls.
How I love the grandparents in my life, and the parents who are grandparents to my children.
Thanks for loving my children, and seeing them for the beautiful people they are.