

I was tagged by my Sister-in-Law Lexie…
For those of you who don’t know how this works, here are the rules:
A: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
B: At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for these rules.

So here goes…..

1. Right now my favorite time in the week is Wednesday Afternoons. By this point in the week, our family (and the house) have recovered from the weekend. The next weekend is not here yet, and on Wednesday it is just me and my 2 boys together working on whatever crazy projects we can come up with. I love that afternoon and look forward to just “being a mom” on those days all week.

2.Food: I am a Cheese Addict. Currently Tillamook cheese is my favorite, I could eat cheese all day long, and would IF I didn’t have other mouths that I was responsible for feeding. I also have a strong aversion to Tuna Fish and occasionally Chinese food, but other than that I am not a picky eater, but do love things with cheese on top.

3. I am slowly becoming a frugal, coupon freak. I have a hard time paying full price for things, and try to buy things only when they are on sale AND with a coupon. Can you say C-R-A-Z-Y? (at least I know it, and can admit to it, right?)

4. I would love someday to go and live overseas with my hubby and children, as long as I knew it was not going to be a permanent thing. I love learning about other cultures, and immersing yourselves completely within it, and feel like it would be an awesome thing for our family to experience together.

5. I love home projects, and doing things with my hands. If I inherited a large sum of money, I would love to just re-do things, by myself, without worrying about the costs (sometime in my projects, it ends up just being cheaper to buy a new thing, instead of re-doing an old thing… I love doing it, but the cost also plays a role!)

6. I hate growing up. My mom used to always say that I had “Peter-Pan Syndrome”. I still hate growing up. The best point of life is always right now. I do know that life gets “better” the older we get, but that “better” always comes with the price of having more responsibility and the death of loved ones. Of course, I would not trade any of my responsibilities for the world, but I would like to wisk off to never-never land every once in a while to be able to freeze time and enjoy my family a little more.

I am tagging…. Toph (you know you want to do it) JoAnna, and Cat. (you can put them on your myspace page if you want to!) 🙂

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