
Starting them off while they are young…

As parents, we try to instill in our children the most important things while they are young.
I am beginning now, with something I loved from an early age.
The story begins with my mother. She worked at Marie Callender’s Restaurant to support herself through college, and I believe my mom learned there and then the goodness of their pies.
We had Marie Callendar’s pies, to celebrate many family events in my growing years. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, I can remember them often, in their little cardboard boxes.
I love them, and when Toph surprised me with my own pie the other day, as tempting as it was to eat the whole thing by myself, I resisted.
I would like to think it is because I am starting my boys off right while they are young.
…But it just might be that if I ate that entire pie I will gain 10 pounds.
Either way, I think it is a good call.

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