So Tucker has decided that he LOVES to take pictures. We have a digital camera, and so we can easily delete pictures. Occasionally I let him take pictures with the camera, then we delete the ones of the carpet, etc. Then load up the others.
But when I uploaded the pics today from the weekend, I was a little surprised to see this pictures of Truman:
Tucker started laughing when he saw this pictures. I don’t think I have ever seen him laugh that hard.
“Silly Truman”, he kept repeating in between belly laughs.
When quizzed about the orgins of the photo, I could get no response.
The best I can figure is, this photo was taken after our neighbors birthday party, where gum was stuffed inside the Pinata. The children had come inside, and I was trying to track down a missing shoe. It was found in minutes. Then I came in and the gum was promptly put up. (I had to many bad gum experiences with gum in my hair, couch, carpet when I was a child…) So it had to have happened before the gum was up. But I never saw that big pink wad of gum. I am hoping I don’t come across it stuck in-between my couch cushions or something. This is a mystery, but the real mystery is what else are they doing when I am not looking?
I’ll have to watch more carefully 😉