So one of my new favorite places to go is Ikea.
It is really great. I love to just walk around and look at the showroom and get ideas, and just see there stuff.
So when Amy called me up, suggested that we all meet up, I was pumped.
Amy was babysitting a little boy named Conrad, and so we were evenly spread out. My mom, Amy and Me, with 3 kids. We thought we had pretty good odds. Three on Three.
We met up, and after some browsing, my boys got hungry, so we got a bite to eat. I love their kid friendly restaurant.
e ladies sat at a counter by them. (picture courtesty of Tuck)
and the boys sat at a little table with Conrad,
That is until Conrad became a running escape artist.
Like I said our odds were pretty good as long as Conrad didn’t start to run. When he did, he gave Amy a run for her money. He was fast and when Ikea was full of people, a little kid can get lost easy. But he didn’t because Amy was just as fast.
We had a great time, and after a great weekend with the Huffs and my Momma and Amy, I remembered how much I enjoy living close to family.