that THESE are parked outside our front window.
And don’t be jealous that they have been working outside my house for the past 2.5 hours.
AND don’t be jealous that I thought my boys would just be LOVING them, and aren’t.
I should have run when I saw them coming, like a few of my neighbors did. But I didn’t.
How was I to know that my boys ONLY like to watch big constructions machines when these awesome construction machines are NOT in front of their house. That they only like to watch these big machines from the comfort of their car seats, when we are driving past them, and I can’t stop for more than 5 minutes. You would think that all the crying and pouting that takes place when I pull away, would mean something!
And now I am starting to get a headache from all the loud pounding and my house shaking (at first it was fun and I was loving watching them, but they just kept going, and they seem to be getting slower and slower, and it is so LOUD)…
So really, Don’t be jealous….and advice to my other fellow Pleasant Grove-ites, if you do see them coming. Run. Run Fast.