
The New Neighborhood Choo-Choo

Yesterday we were out in our yard, when the neighbor children had a good idea…
Introducing our Choo-Choo….

First the wagon, Bungee Cord, Big Wheel, Bungee Cord, Airplane, Bungee Cord, and Big Wheel
The boys had a lot of fun until one of the bungees unhooked, and hit Tucker on the hand, then Truman fell of the back, and got dragged down the road. Tru’s Face has a little road rash.

Note to self: Don’t ever do this again, and oh yea, Put up bungee cords. UP HIGH — Out of site out of mind.



Somewhere Truman learned how to Gulp. Lately, whenever he drinks, he makes a loud Gulping noise, It is so funny to watch him.
The funniest part is sometimes he makes the gulping noise, before any liquid even enters his mouth–he makes the noise AS HE IS PUTTING the cup up to his mouth. What a nut.



Fishy in a Basket

At Swimming Lessons Tucks class plays a game called “Fishy in a basket”.
Here is how they play, the teacher and most of the children hold hands around one student who stands in the middle. Then they sing this song,
“Fishy in a Basket, Fishy in a Basket, How are your going to get out? How are you going to get out?”
While they sing this song, the student in the middle tries to swim under the other peoples hands.
Tucker loves this game. I think one reason he loves it and talks about it often, is because he is really good at it, and is not afraid to put his head under the water and swim. (After swimming lessons his eyes were always red, from the chlorine, so we just got him a swimming mask, and I think that makes it even better for him.) He is loving being able to see under the water. It is so much fun to see how much he is progressing. He is such a good little swimmer.
He has a hard time staying on the wall, but he is a natural swimmer — a little fishy.
Here are a few pics:
Mrs. Stormy (or Mrs. Thunder as Tucker calls her) Explaining Blowing Bubbles
Tucker, has a hard time staying so close to his teacher:
With Mrs. Stormy, showing Tucker how to close his eyes while underwater.
We have only 2 days left of swimming lessons. I am going to be sad to see them end, but it has been a fabulous way to begin the summer


Getting along so much better…

The older the boys get, the more moments I see of them getting along, and enjoying each others company. Take yesterday afternoon in the car for example:
Tucker: Truman, its time to take your medicine, (filling up water bottle lid)
Truman: okay (Taking lid and drinking the water)
Tucker: I am the doctor, and you need to take more medicine
Truman: okay
Tucker: Here is some more medicine
Truman: Tucker, my not sick—pretend cough
Tucker and Truman: Giggle, laugh, giggle.
This conversation was repeated many times.
How fun to hear them giggling together.


Swimming Lessons

This week Tucker started swimming lessons. They are his first lessons besides preschool, and Tucker loves to be in the water. He has so much fun being there, and exploring the water, the only problem is, he kind of likes to do his own thing, and is not afraid of the water.
His teachers name is Mrs. Stormy, or as Tucker calls her Mrs. Thunder. There are 4 people in his class, including our neighbor Austin (our other neighbor Andrea has swimming lessons at the same time).
We have gone about 2 days now, (we’ll go through the end of next week) and Tucker loves it, but he has a hard time staying close to the teacher. She is really good about trying to watch all 4 kids, but she does alot of one on one stuff, to help them learn to float on their back, or on their front, and while she is doing this, the kids are supposed to stay on the wall, and just sit there. We’ll Tucker has never been know for just sitting there. So while the other kids are out with Mrs. Stormy, he jumps around in the water, kind of floats off, looks under the water, and just does his own thing. Wandering far away from the class and the teacher.
He has passed everything off (I think) that she has asked him to do, and he is loving every second of it. That is something that is important in life right? Finding happiness and enjoyment during the little times when we are just supposed to be sitting at the wall.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Truman got this movie from the Library this week. He has only watched the first 20 minutes of it, but now love to find all of our old fashioned match box cars, and line them up. He calls them all “bang-bangs”. We also have a battery powered car, with buttons on top, that when pushed, drives forward and backwards and sings songs. He loves his “Bang-Bang” too, I think it is because it seems somewhat magical..


It must be Healthy

Tucker and Truman had a special treat this morning, Cocoa Pebbles.
If you have ever had Cocoa Pebbles, you know that on the box the Flinstones proudly promote the cocoa crispy taste.
In addition to sugar cerals, the Flinstones also make a pretty tasty vitamin. One that our boys love every morning.
While eating our breakfast today, Tucker noticed the correlation, and said: “Hey, these are the same guys as our vitamins, so you were wrong mom, this MUST be a healthy cereal!”
If it only worked that way!


Summer Haircuts

Another reason I know that summer is here. We got the summer haircuts, Truman just got a trim, but Tuck got a buzz.


No more little Boy

Tucker showed me this weekend, that he is not a little boy. He climbed our cherry tree all by himself. Wow, time really flies, I can’t believe I have a 4 year old, and I can’t believe he is climbing trees!


Back Yard Pools

I think there is nothing more fun than being a kid, playing in a pool in the backyard. The Madsens’ are generous enough to share their backyard pool with us. We made lots of fun memories there last year, and are looking forward to many more this year.
Ryan and Tucker:
Andrea and Truman:
Austin and Tucker:
Tuck in the Pool:
Truman and the Goggles:
Truman in the Pool:
Have I mentioned how much I love summer?