The PG Library has an awesome Summer Reading Program,
and we have begun! We LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Month: June 2007
Parallel Hand
Everytime we sit down to a meal, Tucker describes how
full he is by placing his hand parallel to the ground,
at either his belly button, neck, his nose or up to
the top of his head.
We have tried to describe to him about our body
systems, and how our body is not an empty cavity that
just fills up with food. But still he describes with
the parallel hand, and states, “I am this full Mommy!”
When I ask him if he wants more green beans, he
replies in a similar manner, “I am this full Mommy!”
Funny, Funny.
So I had to wear this Heart Monitor, and I was supposed to be marking certain things down in my diary, when I eat, drink, feel heart palpitations, and etc. One of the things I am supposed to write down was any big emotions that make my heart jump.
Here is some things I had to record, because they all happened while I was wearing the monitor(may I mention these were all with in a 2 hours period 🙂 )-
Truman almost falling down a flight of stairs, because he ran away from me because I made him wash his hands
Tucker almost slamming his fingers in the front door.
Truman burning his hand on the dinner pan.
Christopher had to climb on the roof to fix the swamp cooler that had broken, and suddenly I hear a LOUD crash on the patio (he had jumped down, and was fine)
Tucker throwing a HUGE fit because he was ready for FHE, and Dad was still up on the roof trying to fix the swamp cooler.
May I also mention, earlier this morning before the monitor had been put on, was our trip with Truman to see Dr. Connors. Our Swamp Cooler, and garbage disposal were acting up, and both were not working.
I think Stress is a little factor in my heart problems!
Small Wonder
A few days ago, I had to wear a Heart Monitor, and Christopher and I kept joking that with the many wires sticking out, I looked like a Robot. Which kept reminding me of one of my favorite childhood shows, Small Wonder, I found the opening clip on Utube.
Hope you enjoy…
Be-lated Fathers Day Pictures
I forgot to mention a few funny things that happened on Fathers Day, and as I was uploading the pictures I started to laugh.
For Fathers Day, Tucker tried to wrap up ALL of his toys to give to ChrisTopher, we limited it to one present a day. He worked on it almost daily for 2 weeks.
Some of the things he wrapped up (placing in clear boxes, that he then taped together) included:
Sharpie Markeres (so you can have your very own daddy!)
Jenga Blocks
A fork (we just finished reading “The Boxcar Children”, and in the book, they go to the dump, and the children are thrilled to find utensils. “You can have a SPECIAL FORK!”)
IWhat compassion to wrap up and try to think of nice things to give to your Dad, If you think about it, Tuckers world revolves around his toys, as we play with them daily. They are some of his most prized possessions, I am grateful to have such a thoughtful son.
Backpack, Backpack…
Tucker wears his backpack when he goes to school. It is a big kid thing. Truman is all about trying to grow up.
Dora the Explorer wears her backpack everywhere. Truman has noticed this when we read books about her.
Monday Afternoon, Tru did not want to take off his Backpack, I really don’t know the exact reason why. But take a look at this funny pic…
Goodbye Crib.
As I mentioned we found some bunk beds last week, and we had decided it was a good time to set them up, as Truman has become our Crib Stunt Daredevil.
I had the camera all ready, and put Truman in his crib, ready to catch the action, but he must not have been in the mood, because he just layed down will Koala Wally, and relaxed. Singing himself a song, and saying “Goodbye Crib”
So we got STARTED setting up the bunk beds, Trumans crib has been taken down, and Tuckers bed is up.
We haven’t gotten Trumans Bed up yet, and he currently is sleeping on the Crib Mattress which is on the floor. And actually I think he really likes it like this! He has slept on it for a few days, he can get in and out of bed by himself (without any scapes or bruises), and likes being in a big bed like Tucker. As long as he is doing well, I might just wait to set up the Bunk Bed….
No need to rush him into growing any faster than he already is.
Am I the Wicked Step-Mother?
We’ll Tucker had a pretty emotionally rough day yesterday, it was full of many “rollercoasters”.
As Tucker was laying down to sleep last night, he had an interesting conversation with Christopher. Tucker told Toph that he had not gotten to do everything that he had wanted to do that day, so he wasn’t ready for bed, and when Toph questioned him further, he explained that, it was all because “Mommy made wash windows and scrub the floors ALL DAY today!”
As they carried the conversation further, Tucker came to the conclusion that this had really not happened, but that it still had been a rough day.
Note to self: Lay off the Cinderella Story book and Movie for a while.
Well, It finally happened…
One of the moment I have dreaded since Tucker was in my womb, occurred today. Only, it was not the older child by the name of Tucker, that sent us to the Doctors Office at 11:40 yesterday afternoon. It was Truman Ross Phillips.
Now, I don’t use middle names too often at our house, but Trumans Decision yesterday afternoon, totally merits the full name use.
I had just finished cleaning the kitchen, and Tucker was at Austins house across the street, and we were just going to head over to pick him up, I asked Truman to go downstairs and grab his shoes. As he was doing so, I noticed a pony bead in his right hand, which he raised over his head then proceeded to throw down the stairs. I heard it echo as it bounced on the tile by our front door.
I made a mental note, to grab that bead after I got my shoes. We’ll I grabbed my shoes, and headed downstairs, but the bead was not by the front door, I started searching the stairs to find it, when I heard Truman Desperately screaming in the other room.
“Orange! Orange! Orange!”
Truman is obsessed with the color orange, and has one pair of orange socks, that he asks to wear everyday.
I just assumed that is what he was talking about, and began to explain that he had worn the socks yesterday, but could wear another pair, But he was not having anything to do with me. He began yelling at the top of his Lungs, ORANGE! ORANGE! ORANGE! Then the word BOOGIE! (that sounded like ohgoie!) Then pointing to his eye duct.
I didn’t understand what he was saying, so I calmly put his shoes on, and as I did so, tried to calm him down. He was talking a mile a minute, so I still couldn’t really understand what he was saying, but at least he was not talking really loud anymore. I could understand one word that he was saying. Orange. Truman really is passionate about the color orange, so I was looking around for all the things that were orange in the room, but I really still didn’t understand what he was talking about…
While naming EVERYTHING that was orange in the room, I noticed his diaper was dirty. We’ll I laid him down to change him, when I discovered what Truman had been yelling about.
I sat there and let out a little giggle, then I just shook my head, and thought (In a sarcastic tone) “Oh, Truman Ross Phillips, this is why I love being a mother!”
I tried to get him to blow it out, but it was no use, he had gotten it clear up there, to the top of his nasal cavity, and nothing I was going to do was going to get it out.
We called the Dr.’s office who said bring him in, if it is too deep, we’ll just put him under and then get it out.
So off we went, to Dr. Connors office.
She double booked us, and got us in, The nurse held his head, and I held his hands and lower body, while Dr. Connor worked her magic. She used a magic little tool, was able to rotate the bead enough, so she could see the little hole in the bead, and was able to pull it out, to which Tucker promptly asked, “Can we keep it?”
All I have to say, is that is was a good thing that Truman had his adnoids removed last summer, or else this post with have a picture of him with his nostril cut open 😉