
Jedi Training Camp

For Belle’s Birthday, she had a Star Wars Themed Birthday Party. Tucker and Truman were so excited for such a long time, ever since we got the invite last week. On Saturday Morning, we got their costumes ready. Tucker wanted to be Luke the Jedi, and Truman wanted to be Yorda (Yoda). I whipped up some costumes, and Tuck painted one of his swords to look like a lightsaver, (He painted it pink and black-his favorite colors) and we were off to the Party.
The kids had a great time, and we enjoyed watching all of the little kids come in their outfits.
Since the party, Tucker has been trying to get ready to be a Jedi. Again, the great thing about being 4 is you really can dream of being a Jedi.
Here is a pic of Luke, Yorda and Princess Leah.
Happy Birthday Belle!