This last week our family spent an incredible few days together, thanks to some good friends, the Teasdales. We had such a grand adventure–we drove almost 2,000 miles in 5 days, and had many unforgettable experiences. The Teasdales were generous enough to allow us to tag along, here is short synopsis of our trip…
Tuesday Night 9:45 PM Leave for Oregon
Wednesday Morning 10:15 AM Arrive in Portland (sleeping children are so much easier to travel with 🙂 )
Wednesday Afternoon Visit the OMSI Museum–This was an awesome museum, it was incredible, completely hands on, and we ALL learned something.
Truman Loved the Water:
Tucker and Truman found this Robot you got to control, and play a game of Connect 4 with. The robot is the big yellow thing in the background.
More Water:
Tucker in an Aquarium:
Tuck and Andrea, pretending to be Creatures from the sea:
Thursday: Big Town Heroes, Drive to Manzanita, Visit Cannon Beach, and enjoy being on the Coast!
Getting a Snack at the beach House:
When we left for Cannon Beach it was Raining,
When we got to Cannon Beach, the sun came out:
Friday: Morning at the Beach, Afternoon at the Tilamook Cheese Factory, and Evening Fire on the Beach
Tru an Cam having a good time in the sand:
After playing on the beach for awhile, the Tide started to come back in, and a big wave came. Christopher was between both boys, and figured since Tucker was bigger, he had better grab Truman. Tucker wasn’t quite big enough to handle that wave. MAN DOWN!
So after being taken out by a wave,
Tucker decided to just strip down and play in the ocean…
We forgot our Camera when we went to the Tilamook Cheese Factory, but believe you me, it was wonderful. Tucker and Truman watched the “Robots” (The Machines that Cut and Packaged the Cheese) and I watched the Cheese, and there was free samples of cheese at the end and we enjoyed some delicious ice cream. Yum.
S’mores taste pretty good on the Beach!
A beautiful end to a good day:
Saturday: Return to Portland, Saturday Market, and Begin the Drive home
Riding the Train into Portland, made me miss the T in Boston:
A Man at the Market:
Here are the balloon swords the boys purchased at the Market, (I think they popped about 4 minutes after this picture was taken):
Sunday: Drive Home
The Drive was long, but worth every second. We had an incredible time.
Thanks Again Teasdales!