This is the time of year for birthday wishes. Today is my mothers birthday. There is nothing like a mother. They teach you so many things, and the older you get, the more you learn to appreciate them. I am grateful for my mom, she has taught me many things.
-compassion, kindness and love
-that I really don’t want white wall in my whole house 🙂
-there is an art in living, and living well
-you make your own choices in life, and happiness comes from the inside
-to make a mean potato, ham and cheese casserole
Mothers are the best, this list could go on and on. I am glad she is my momma, happy birthday mom!
Month: April 2007
Jedi Training Camp
For Belle’s Birthday, she had a Star Wars Themed Birthday Party. Tucker and Truman were so excited for such a long time, ever since we got the invite last week. On Saturday Morning, we got their costumes ready. Tucker wanted to be Luke the Jedi, and Truman wanted to be Yorda (Yoda). I whipped up some costumes, and Tuck painted one of his swords to look like a lightsaver, (He painted it pink and black-his favorite colors) and we were off to the Party.
The kids had a great time, and we enjoyed watching all of the little kids come in their outfits.
Since the party, Tucker has been trying to get ready to be a Jedi. Again, the great thing about being 4 is you really can dream of being a Jedi.
Here is a pic of Luke, Yorda and Princess Leah.
Happy Birthday Belle!
Not Just A Toddler
Truman is getting older. The past few days I have been watching him and wondering how he grew up so fast. It really just seems like yesterday that he smiled at me for the first time, now he has grown up, and is becoming more independent every day. In some ways we are entering the “terrible twos”, complete with the tantrums, but in other ways, I love the way he thinks so independently. Last week we were holding hands and walking up the stairs, not really talking to each other, when he looked up at me, and said, “Love You Momma” There is nothing like being a mother, especially to such an adorable toddler.
We’re becoming More Literate…
Tucker has figured out how to write notes.
This week, he is starting to understand literacy a little better. He know how to write his letters, and know almost all of them. But he is just realizing that he can write notes to people, and now he has written notes to many people.
On Sunday, when we returned from vacation, and there was a note from my friend, and her son. He was so excited to see it, and then immediately wanted to make a note for this friend. He wanted to write his friends name across the top, I circled his name from the letter that was left. Tucker copied the name from the note, and then wrote his name on the bottom. He was so proud of himself. The next day, he delivered it, then wanted to write a note to his teachers at Preschool. This is where it gets good….Instead of just their names, he wanted to write a note. He told me what to write, and then he copied all the letters/words. This is what he said/wrote: “Did anything bad happen at school while I was gone? Tucker”
This must be how little boys think….a totally abstract world to me.
Time to Potty Train?
I think Truman is getting ready to be potty trained, I have been gearing up to do this, but wanted to wait until after the vacation. We are back, and Truman seems ready, I think I am going to start next week!
Some friends recommended a book, called “Potty Training in a Day” (or something like that) I am about half way through, but am going to try to finish reading it this weekend, and start the beginning of next week! I am sure there will be more posts on this subject.
Guitar Hero Continued…
My sister Amy commented last week to my previous Guitar Hero Post:
You better believe it! And I will STILL beat you and Toph!
So the story continues, On our way home for Oregon, we stopped at my parents to wish my Dad a Happy Birthday, and guess what my family was playing? Not hard to guess, Guitar Hero.
After the festivities were done, Toph and I decided to take a turn at it. (there wasn’t much time, Amazing Race was about to start) Tuck and Truman wanted in on the game too, Toph won 1 game, and I won 1 game. Next time we’re up there, Toph and I are going to have to play a rematch.
And Amy, Next time Tuck and Truman are on YOUR team, we’ll see who wins then! 🙂
Happy Be-lated Birthday To You!
While we we in Oregon, we missed my Dad’s Birthday, and since I have been trying to catch up on Laundry (Man there is alot of Laundry when you come home from Vacation), and trying to catch up on life (Is this ever really possible?), I have not taken much time to post to the Blog, but I wanted to let my Dad know how much I love him.
Here are some of the things my boys said about their Gramps:
Me:Hey Tuck, I want to write Gramps a note, can you tell me your favorite things about him?
Tuck:He’s Nice to Me, and he calls me names and stuff, Maybe we could print him a Larryboy picture to send to him, does he like Larry Boy?
Me: I don’t know, I am sure he would like it if it were from you!
Tuck: My Gramps, he does things for me, remember when he took me to McDonalds, and we got a ninja turtle?
Me: Truman what do you want to say to Gramps?
Truman: um, Gramps Gonzales?
Me: Yea,
Truman: Yea.
Truman Said it better than I could have.
We Love your Sense of Humor and are grateful for all you do for us.
Love you Dad, and Happy Be-Lated Birthday.
This last week our family spent an incredible few days together, thanks to some good friends, the Teasdales. We had such a grand adventure–we drove almost 2,000 miles in 5 days, and had many unforgettable experiences. The Teasdales were generous enough to allow us to tag along, here is short synopsis of our trip…
Tuesday Night 9:45 PM Leave for Oregon
Wednesday Morning 10:15 AM Arrive in Portland (sleeping children are so much easier to travel with 🙂 )
Wednesday Afternoon Visit the OMSI Museum–This was an awesome museum, it was incredible, completely hands on, and we ALL learned something.
Truman Loved the Water:
Tucker and Truman found this Robot you got to control, and play a game of Connect 4 with. The robot is the big yellow thing in the background.
More Water:
Tucker in an Aquarium:
Tuck and Andrea, pretending to be Creatures from the sea:
Thursday: Big Town Heroes, Drive to Manzanita, Visit Cannon Beach, and enjoy being on the Coast!
Getting a Snack at the beach House:
When we left for Cannon Beach it was Raining,
When we got to Cannon Beach, the sun came out:
Friday: Morning at the Beach, Afternoon at the Tilamook Cheese Factory, and Evening Fire on the Beach
Tru an Cam having a good time in the sand:
After playing on the beach for awhile, the Tide started to come back in, and a big wave came. Christopher was between both boys, and figured since Tucker was bigger, he had better grab Truman. Tucker wasn’t quite big enough to handle that wave. MAN DOWN!
So after being taken out by a wave,
Tucker decided to just strip down and play in the ocean…
We forgot our Camera when we went to the Tilamook Cheese Factory, but believe you me, it was wonderful. Tucker and Truman watched the “Robots” (The Machines that Cut and Packaged the Cheese) and I watched the Cheese, and there was free samples of cheese at the end and we enjoyed some delicious ice cream. Yum.
S’mores taste pretty good on the Beach!
A beautiful end to a good day:
Saturday: Return to Portland, Saturday Market, and Begin the Drive home
Riding the Train into Portland, made me miss the T in Boston:
A Man at the Market:
Here are the balloon swords the boys purchased at the Market, (I think they popped about 4 minutes after this picture was taken):
Sunday: Drive Home
The Drive was long, but worth every second. We had an incredible time.
Thanks Again Teasdales!
Guitar Hero
My Sister Amy, just bought an awesome game, called Guitar Hero. I really can’t believe how much fun I had. Toph and I went head to head, and all of those years of violin lessons came in handy. I am looking forward to heading to SLC again, so we can play some more!
Treehouses Continued
It has become obvious that Tucker thinks that our treehouse is going to be magical, just like Jack and Annies’. He has packed up all of his books, and organized them in sections. Those going to the Treehouse, and Those staying in his room. He also thinks that the treehouse will be built rather quickly, as he is making all sorts of plans…
Ah, the priorities of a 4 year old. I wish my biggest decisions/problems revolved around books.