
Boys Night Out…

Being around my children, it’s not secret, they are daddy’s boys. They LOVE and ADORE their father. Any chance they get to be with him, they jump at it. On our chart the boys listed a main thing they wanted to do: camping, and wanted to go often. As we looked at our summer schedule, we were surprised to see that a majority of the weekends were full, so we had to squeeze it in where we could.
This particular weekend I had a commitment, but Toph didn’t, so even though I really wanted to go, I had to send my boys off to fish, get dirty, eat popcorn, and then going to sleep in a tent. And when I asked what they did, that’s the story I heard when they returned. Short and concise.
And the pics are here to prove it:
Boys nights out, are a great thing… Thank heavens for a good papa who indulges theses sweet boys every now and again!