Emily Life

Happy Veterans Day…

to us all. Especially the brave men and women who have fought for our country, including my Grandpa Greene.

Love you Grandpa!

Emily Truman Tucker


I love the community we live in. They have a lot to offer. Truman loves sports, and the community offers a class called “Itty-Bitty-Ball” for children who are 2 and 3, which Truman eagerly enrolled in. The class is over now, and he got to try 4 different sports during the class. He LOVED it. He is a natural athlete, and so naturally loved it all.
He even got a t-shirt, which he still wears, and was thrilled about:

They played Basketball:


T-ball/baseball (I forgot to send Toph with the camera that day!) and Lastly Football:

During Truman’s ‘practices’ Tucker would follow us to station to station and color pictures of robots… (I think it was good for Tucker to watch Truman this time around. Tucker would cheer for him, as well as encourage and help him. These brothers are so much fun.)

And a video of a few highlights:
Now Truman is gearing up for his next class…Track. Because he wants to be like Dash from The Incredibles. I’ve never seen a class for track, but we’ll be looking into it! 🙂
Until then, I am sure Truman will continue to run up and down the halls, practicing for his races, and reminding me the things he learned at Itty-bitty ball, like the proper way to throw a ball.

Emily Tucker

Making me Smile…

The only thing cuter than thinking about Tucker being a Sock Monkey, is thinking about him drawing this at class!

And the fact he didn’t know how to spell sock monkey, so just put the letter S.