
Nurturing vs. pampering and LEARNING.

Came across this post yesterday about turning corners and Nurturing vs. pampering.
I love the thoughts that it contained.

(my cute toes painted by my cutest sister Amys, an activity that was refreshing, and wonderful for me!)

From Tara: “Nurturing means you look at the moment and you take care of yourself. You pay attention and see what is going on. You experiment with different things that are fulfilling for you. Then, you understand what you need and you give it to yourself in those moments of stress, sadness, or exhaustion. … Learning what you need isn’t easy – and won’t be the same for everyone. A lot of times we totally avoid what we need because it is hard. It takes energy to create energy.”

(Picture taken by Tucker, and this article was a reconfirmation of why it is important for me to try to cook healthy meals)

Again, from Tara: “My two main changes have been these: I once pampered and now I nurture.
I once used my computer time as a way to avoid my reality and immerse myself into an entirely different one. Now, all that I want is my reality – my real, limited, fantastically beautiful and relentless life. Instead of using my computer time as a relief, I now see it as work, and I want to finish as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

Such a great post. She talks about turing a corner.

I feel as if lately, I have totally had a corner turning change in my life, I’ve always loved my life, but lately, I LOVE my life. I am able to handle the chaos more, and laugh more, and love more. I don’t just love my kids and husband, I LOVE THEM. I don’t know if they have felt the difference, but I have in every fiber of my body. I am more content with life, and it wasn’t that I was discontent before, but now I am just MORE content. I don’t know how else to explain it…

And to add to the randomness, Last night, we had a great mutual activity. The bishopric took us to a Water Treatment Plant (For Sewer Water) and we talked about Standards, and compared them to the sewage water and the sewage waste. It was a powerful evening for me.

The waste was gross, the message was powerful, and I have left thinking about how I don’t want my life to be dipping in that yucky filthy water that is so abundant in this world.

Random post. Random thoughts.

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One reply on “Nurturing vs. pampering and LEARNING.”

Love catching up with your posts. What a fun conference weekend! I adore Elliott’s hair. He looks like such a man child 🙂 So cute. I loved your last post too. Being a wife and mom is the greatest thing ever. I think I’ve finally been able to enjoy being a “school” mom this year. Every year before now I felt like I was treading water to keep up with all the school stuff, now it’s enjoyable! We miss you guys. We are hoping to make the trip out there, the “when” kinda depends on Cathrine and Lo 😉 We’ll be in Colorado around the 4th of July so possibly in Logan the week before that or the week after that. I’ve been pestering Cathrine to let me know! If Cat and Lo don’t give us a reason to come it will probably be the week after the 4th of July week.

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